CinemAsia Amsterdam 2020 takes place this year from 4 to 8 March in Studio/K and Rialto. With various side programming and several delicious food, CinemAsia proudly presents:
“Unboxing South Asian masculinity”, organised by Dona Daria Rotterdam and The Hang-Out 070.
This event explores what South Asian masculinity is, was and could be. Together with our host, Anysha Bharos, our wonderful panellist and experts, Priya Swamy and Riyaz van Wegberg, will have an open conversation with each other and the audience.
We invite you all to contribute to our wall of masculinity during the CinemAsia LGBTQ+ events and open up a discussion through art. The wall will feature contributions from us but can also include photo’s, pictures and texts from you. The main feature of our wall will be two princes kissing made by Hidden Lion Studio (see event picture).
Datum: Zaterdag 7 maart 2020 van 14:00 – 16:00
Locatie: Studio/K, Timorplein 62, 1094 CC te Amsterdam
Kaarten (gratis) via:
Blijf up to date via het Facebook event (link).
Dit programma wordt georganiseerd door Dona Daria en partners in het kader van Unboxing Rotterdam, een campagne die in het teken staat van emancipatie en empowerment voor ALLE Rotterdammers, ongeacht culturele achtergrond, religie of gender.
Gerard Scholtenstraat 129, 3035 SJ Rotterdam
010 4659296
Dona Daria is een ANBI instelling – Kamer van Koophandel : – Fiscaal nummer: 8156.03.551